In 2021, Friends of Stretford Public Hall appointed the heritage architects Buttress, to carry out a feasibility study into the future development of the Stretford Public Hall basement.
Following community consultation, a number of prospective uses for the space were explored. There was wide public support for a new live music venue/ performance space to boost cultural opportunities for the Stretford community, as well as support for the creation of workshop/craft spaces and specialist artist studios.
Buttress proposed a variety of different development options, ranging from an option which would only involved the renovation of the basement, to a more complex project involving the creation of a new circulation core (with staircase and lift) and a new extension to the hall’s groundfloor.
The estimated cost of these projects range from £2.5 to £4 million, making the basement renovation a long-term ambition.
Download the final Basement Feasibility Study report