Staff & volunteers celebrate double award success!

Our staff and volunteers are celebrating winning two awards this week, which recognise the brilliant work of the hall’s gardening volunteer team and the Stretford Advice Hub team.
The gardening team were awarded an ‘Outstanding’ award at last night’s It’s Your Neighbourhood Awards, an annual celebration run by the Royal Horticultural Society. The awards recognise the achievements of anyone working to improve their local environment, and Outstanding is the highest level of award. It is the first time the hall has been awarded Outstanding, which is thanks to the many hours of hard work that the gardening team spend looking after the hall’s flower beds and pocket park.
There was also award success for our Community Hub volunteers yesterday, when the Stretford Advice Hub was awarded a Resolve Poverty award. Resolve Poverty is a Manchester-based charity that works to end poverty across the UK. The ‘Partnership working’ award, which was jointly awarded to the Advice Hub team and Trafford Council, recognises partnership-based local or regional anti-poverty activities focussed on reducing and/or preventing poverty. Congratulations go to all of the volunteers who help to run the Advice Hub on a Tuesday, and to our Together Tuesday staff team of Emma, Kaf and Samantha.