Join the board of Stretford Public Hall

Stretford Public Hall is a community-owned hall, run by Friends of Stretford Public Hall. Our aim is to create space for good things to happen in Stretford.
We are always on the look-out for passionate and dedicated people to bring their own unique skills to our board of directors.
The hall’s board of directors is elected by and from the members. Democracy is the lifeblood of co-operatives and we want as many of our members as possible to get involved in the election process, either standing as candidates, nominating candidates or voting for candidates.
There is no person specification for the perfect director. In fact, we want a real balance of skills and personalities to help take Stretford Public Hall forward. If you are passionate about co-operatives, community ownership and have the skills and knowledge to make a positive impact, you could be just the person we need…
To find out more about what’s involved in being a board member, download our information pack here.
If you want further information, or would like to speak to either a current member of the board of directors, please contact:
Petra Morris, Secretary of the Board
To apply, complete the form in the information pack, or fill in the online application form here.