Trafford Poverty Truth Commission engagement event

When: Friday 8 October  2021:  10.00 – 12.00

Where: Stretford Public Hall, Chester Road, Stretford, M32 0LG

Stretford Public Hall is establishing Trafford’s first Poverty Truth Commission. This important project will bring together people in poverty with those in senior positions within the private, public and voluntary sector. By forming trust and relationships between these two groups, people in poverty are given a chance to share their ‘lived experience’ of poverty. By giving people a direct voice, the Commission aims to drive real change to prevent and alleviate poverty.

Following successful Poverty Truth Commissions both nationally and in Greater Manchester, we’re delighted to be bringing this opportunity to Trafford, and we hope you’ll join us.

Come along and find out more about the Trafford Poverty Truth Commission. At this event, you’ll have the opportunity to:

  • Learn more about the purpose of Poverty Truth Commissions and how they work
  • Hear directly from participants in Poverty Truth Commissions delivered elsewhere
  • Find out why we are setting up a Poverty Truth Commission in Trafford
  • Get the information you need to decide whether being part of the Poverty Truth Commission is right for you and your organisation

Speakers include representatives from the Poverty Truth Network, Commissioners from the Manchester Poverty Truth Commission and Cllr Graham Whitham, Executive Member for Communities and Partnerships at Trafford Council.

You can also meet the Trafford Poverty Truth Commission Team, who will be on hand with information on how you might get involved.

Refreshments will be available and the event will be recorded.

Places are limited, so please register for the event here:

If you have any questions, get in touch with the team at