Trafford Poverty Truth Commission project begins

We are delighted to welcome three new members of staff to the Stretford Public Hall team this week, to lead the Trafford Poverty Truth Commission project.

A Poverty Truth Commission (PTC) is a process that brings together people in poverty with those in senior positions within the private, public and voluntary sector. The aim of a PTC is to give people who live in poverty a direct voice and enable their experiences to drive change to alleviate and reduce poverty for residents.

Stretford Public Hall has been asked by Trafford Council to coordinate Trafford’s first Poverty Truth Commission. The project will be run by a coordination support worker, Claire Vibert, working alongside two facilitators – Carlene Thomas-Bailey and Kate Harding. The team have been meeting for the first time this week and are busy planning the PTC’s launch event, which will be held at Stretford Public Hall on Friday 8th October 2021.

More information about the Trafford PTC and the launch event will be posted on our website over the coming weeks. In the meantime, if you’d like to find out more, please contact Claire: