What's on


Age UK Trafford

Stretford Public Hall Chester Road, Stretford, Manchester, United Kingdom

Free and confidential advice session for anyone with concerns about memory loss, for themselves or for family or friends. Appointment only, contact Urmston Age UK hub, via 0161 746 9754 or email urmstonhub@ageuktrafford.org.uk


Trafford Carers

Advice & information from the team at Trafford Carers Centres about support and help available to unpaid carers who are caring for someone living in Trafford. Photo credit: Centre for Better Ageing


Gardening Club

Gardening is back! Every Tuesdays 10am – 12noon FREE Our volunteer gardeners tend to our pocket park between Stretford Public Hall and Kingsway. They would love a hand from anyone interested in having a go! No experience or equipment necessary. Please check in with our reception any time between 10-12 and they’ll direct you.



Achieve who support individuals with substance misuse will be in the Weekly Warmer free café available to chat.


Debt Advice

Dept drop in every Tuesday 10-1pm Pop along for a face-to-face debt assessment plus additional information and guidance from the debt team


Community Care Navigators

Do you know someone that is: Socially isolated or lonely, at risk of hospital re-admission, causing you to worry, poorly connected in their community/neighborhood, suitable for non-clinical intervention, a resident or GP patient of Manchester or Trafford over 18 years old? Care Navigators work with people to ensure they are connected with the right services […]


Budgeting Support Officer, Trafford Council

Provides support and advice on budgeting, managing rising expenses, accessing available support for example gas and electricity, cost of food and increasing rent. Tips to feel more confident managing money. Every Week   (not welfare rights) Email any enquires to: budgetingsupport@trafford.gov.uk  


Hard Yards Running Club

Stretford Public Hall Chester Road, Stretford, Manchester, United Kingdom

It is free for your first 9 weeks and if you choose to stay on after then it is £10 per month and this includes a well-deserved, pot-run brew. Set up 4 years ago by a mental health nurse, Hard Yard’s Running Club aims to help people struggling with mental health problems. Their couch to […]


Yoga for all

Stretford Public Hall Chester Road, Stretford, Manchester, United Kingdom

Relax and de-stress after a busy day with our evening yoga class.  The suggested entry price for this class is £5 and is based on what you might pay for a similar class elsewhere. If you are able to pay this price, helps us keep these classes going and affordable for all.  Open to all […]


Dance for Parkinsons

Stretford Public Hall Chester Road, Stretford, Manchester, United Kingdom

Dance for Parkinson’s brings their award-winning dance program to Stretford Public Hall every Wednesday from 12 pm. It is run by Lewis Bailey who is the Dance Teacher and Exercise Provider for the Parkinson’s group. He has over 20 years of experience as a Latin and Ballroom dancer and thoroughly enjoys teaching others to dance. […]